The series centers around Dora, a seven-year-old Latina girl, with a love of embarking on quests related to an activity that she wants to partake of or a place that she wants to go to, accompanied by her talking purple backpack and anthropomorphic monkey companion named Boots (named for his beloved pair of red boots). Each episode is based around a series of cyclical events that occur along the way during Dora’s travels, along with obstacles that she and Boots are forced to overcome or puzzles that they have to solve (with “assistance” from the viewing audience) relating to riddles, the Spanish language, or counting. Common rituals may involve Dora’s encounters with Swiper, a bipedal, anthropomorphic masked thieving fox whose theft of the possessions of others must be prevented through fourth wall-breaking interaction with the viewer. To stop Swiper, Dora must say “Swiper no swiping” three times. However, on occasions where Swiper steals the belongings of other people, the viewer is presented with the challenge of helping Boots and Dora locate the stolen items. Another obstacle involves encounters with another one of the program’s antagonists; the “Grumpy Old Troll” dwelling beneath a bridge that Dora and Boots must cross, who challenges them with a riddle before permitting them the past that needs to be solved with the viewer’s help. Known for the constant breaking of the fourth-wall depicted in every episode, the audience is usually presented to two primary landmarks that must be passed before Dora can reach her destination, normally being challenged with games or puzzles along the way. The episode always ends with Dora successfully reaching the locale, singing the “We Did It!” song with Boots in triumph.
This coloring pages are wonderful for helping children to get excited about the holidays too. For example you can print those for what is just around the corner including Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and Easter. In fact, they can even give those beautifully colored pages to other people as gifts for that particular holiday time. If you want your children to get the most from it, allow them to sit with you at the computer and choose the pictures that they would like. They are going to be more inclined to spend time coloring them when they have had some input about what they will look like. Even though coloring books typically aren't expensive, you will find they have plenty of pages that the kids simply skip over. With creating your own though, you can be certain every single page is going to be a hit. With single pages too each child can work on one of them independently instead of sharing the same coloring book.
Besides helping the children to develop their imaginations, parents can utilize stories from the coloring pages to teach their kids practical lessons. While the children are enjoying the process of coloring the images, they can be taught values that are important for them to grasp at a young age. Lessons from the real world can also be taught at the same time. When parents take the time to tell their children stories as they color, the child’s imagination is further strengthened and enhanced.
Thanksgiving Day has a special place for little children. Because people send many thanksgiving letters to their family members, friends and loved ones, there are also special cards available only for small children and kids for allowing them to write thanks to their loved ones in their own way. These are called as the Thanksgiving coloring pages. People send in thanksgiving coloring pictures too. These cards are available in all the books and gift shops. These cards consist of very simple drawings of a Father, Mother, Sister and Brother or a Family as a whole. What makes these cards more interesting is the fact that they are mere drawings and the kids are given coloring materials to color these drawings and write their own Thanksgiving message for their family members and friends. This a fun activity for the kids as they are busy engrossed with their coloring books while the parents can cook the thanksgiving dinner peacefully. There are specific but simple instructions on these pages and cards that allows the children to properly color the required drawings given on the pages. Also there are blank pages provided for the children where they can draw their own drawing and color them accordingly.
Coloring printouts are the best part in any kid's lives to express their feelings, ideas, thoughts and creative imagination. In fact it amuses parents when they see their child's performance. Sometimes kids exhibit stunning performances while showcasing their skills in application of colors. Internet is a hub of free coloring printouts for kids. Parents or pre-school teachers can easily access a variety of such coloring pages. They can select the best ones for their kid after considering certain factors. Then they can take out prints using good quality printer. All you need is just a computer at your home.